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Event Series Event Series: Semana de la Cultura Italiana

Semana de la Cultura Italiana


Italian Culture Week in Arrecife, from the 22nd to the 27th of November.

Friday 22nd November
10:30h – Inauguration in Casa de la Cultura Agustín de la Hoz.

Presentation and inauguration of the 2nd edition of the Week of Italian Culture, Avv. Alfonso Licata (President of the Canary Islands Committee of the Dante Alighieri Society, President of the International Committee for the 7th Centenary of the rediscovery of Lanzarote and the Canary Islands by the Italian navigator Lanzarotto Malocello, Consular Correspondent of Italy in Lanzarote) . Greeting: H.E. the Ambassador of Italy in the Kingdom of Spain Giuseppe Maria Buccino Grimaldi. Greeting by the representatives of the Central Dante Alighieri Society. Prof. Alessandro Masi Executive Vice-President and Secretary General Prof. SalvatoreItalia Superintendent of Accounts. Greetings from the representatives of the Canary Islands Institutions.

11:15h  Presentation of the Exhibition of twenty original works of international graphic art by leading representatives of the Surrealist Movement celebrating the first centenary of the Surrealist Manifesto (1924-2024).

Giorgio de Chirico – Joan Mirò – Salvador Dalì – Wilfredo Lam
Max Ernst – Andrè Masson – Sebastian Matta – Rafael Alberti
Leonor Fini – Luca Crippa – Roland Topor – Sergio d’Angelo

Remembrance of the Lanzaroteño surrealist artist Pancho Lasso

12:00h Meeting with students and teachers from the ‘Pancho Lasso’ School of Art in Arrecife Exhibition of artistic works of a surrealist nature created by the students – Awards to exhibitors. Next cocktail.

19:00h Speech by Dr. Mauro Poggi in memory and homage to the greats of Music Giacomo Puccini and Ferruccio Busoni in the first c e n t e n a r y o f t h e l o r o f t h e m o s t s e l e c t i o n s (1924-2024).

Followed by : The young pianist from CIEM in Arrecife Emanuele Poggi and the performance of tenors Ricardo Araya Pistone y Marcos Araya (accompanies Emanuele Poggi on piano).

Saturday 23rd  November
10:00h Arrecife – House of Culture ‘Agusn de La Hoz’- Visit of students from Lanzarote schools to the surrealist graphic art exhibitions. Tour of the Island of Lanzarote by the Italian diplomatic and consular authorities and the Central SDA

Monday 25th November
11:30h Arrecife – ‘Instituto Politécnico de Formación Profesional Marítimo- Pesquero de Canarias’ Exhibition and projection of medieval nautical maps showing the Canary Islands after the rediscovery of the Archipelago by the Italian navigator Lanzarotto Malocello
Speakers: Dr. Mauro Poggi ( M e m b e r o f t h e S c i e n t i f i c C o m m i t t e e o f t h e C o m m i t t e e f o r t h e VII centenary of the rediscovery of the Canary Islands by the Italian navigator Lanzarotto Malocello) and Oscar Fernández de Pinedo ( Director of the Lanzarote-Bitacora Nautical Academy).
On the theme: ‘The Age of Explorations. From Marco Polo’s voyage to the Orient to the rediscovery of the Canary Islands. Lanzarotto Malocello and the Majos: a twenty-year period of peaceful coexistence for integration’.

Tuesday 26th November
10:00h Arrecife – House of Culture ‘Agustin de La Hoz’- visit of students from Lanzarote schools to the exhibition of Surrealist Graphic Art. 6 pm – Arrecife – Real Club Náutico – Sala de Cine. Remembrance of the great Italian film, theatre and television actor Walter Chiari, on the first centenary of his birth . Projection of the film ‘Bellissima’ by Luchino Visconti (1951) with Walter Chiari and Anna Magnani. Presentation/introduction by D. Pedro Botella Torres (President of the Rotary Club of Lanzarote)

Wednesday 27th November
10:00h Arrecife – House of Culture ‘Agustin de La Hoz’- visit of Lanzarote school students to the exhibition of Surrealist Graphic Art.

17:00h Arrecife – Instituto Politécnico de Formación Profesional Marítimo-Pesquera de Canarias. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Guglielmo Marconi: Conference on the theme: ‘Guglielmo Marconi, The Radio and the Wireless Telegraph: The Communication Revolution in the World’ by Prof. Abelardo Betancourt (Professor of Applied Physics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Ordinary Member of the ACIHL) and Engineer Enrico De Ferra Fantín (Astronomer, Ordinary Member of the ACIHL). Projection of a documentary video on Guglielmo Marconi.

18:30h Round table and debate with the participation of: Prof. Abelardo Betancourt Prof. Fernando Rodríguez Camacho Eng. Enrique de Ferra Fantín To follow: Practical simulation of a ship call via radio. Conclusion of the Second Edition of the Italian Culture Week 2024.
Cocktail/Aperitif Words of thanks and farewell


Arrecife, Las Palmas 35500 Spain


Società Dante Alighieri
View Organiser Website